Want to Get Involved?

Become an ACM Member!

If you attend three of our events, you will get membership! Membership confers benefits such as door access to the room (so you can access the room when nobody else is around), access to our compute resources, and more!

Check out our events listing. We run many events each semester that pertain to computing and computer science generally (and often have free food!). If any of those events look fun to you, consider attending them.

Say Hello!

One way to get involved in ACM is to attend our Open Houses — we host an “Open House” every Tuesday from 4-6pm for new members where we just hang out, play music, study, and etc. These open houses also count towards the three-event requirement for membership!

Otherwise, hang out around the room! The room is open to non-members outside of Open Houses when members are present. This doesn’t really count towards the three-event membership requirement, but if you’d like to get to know the ACM better, being around will give you a general idea of what happens; you might even make some new friends!

Stay In Touch!

Join our Discord and our Mailing List! We post updates on events we’re running and general club business through those channels. As mentioned, attending three of our events will make you an ACM Member!